ul. Okulickiego 38

38-500 Sanok

2007-2024 CNC-WAP.COM

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We have dedicated software for the scanner that allows you to:

  • Editing the geometry of a 3D model

  • G-code generation

  • Export to stl, dxf, bmp formats

Device parameters:

  • Work area matches the CNC machine area

  • Scanning height range 70mm

  • Resolution YX 0.1mm

  • Resolution Z 0.07mm

  • Scanning speeed up to 10m/min

  • Power suply (12-24)V DC

  • Saving data to a point cloud

The device can work with any numerically controlled machine. It does not require troublesome installation and configuration with the machine control. Our scanning head has the best ratio of scanning quality to the price of the device.


3D Scanner